Monday, May 01, 2006
Berduka atas Pram
"Tak kurang 20 penghargaan dunia internasional diberikan kepada Pram. Tapi, hingga akhir hayatnya, belum satu pun penghargaan yang diberikan oleh Indonesia kepada putra asal Blora itu..."
- Jawapos
Turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya sastrawan besar Pramoedya Ananta Toer, yang selalu gelisah dan membela yang tertindas. Memberi semangat kepada yang muda. Selamat jalan... Tuhan tentu maha adil membalas semua kebaikan, sekecil apapun.
I'm not pessimistic--I have faith in the young. It is the young people who need to sweep in and become the leaders. They don't have blood on their hands or dirty money in their pockets.The people who say they want to become president can talk like that because of the triumph of the students, but do they ever say thank you to the students? No.
- Pram
- Jawapos
Turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya sastrawan besar Pramoedya Ananta Toer, yang selalu gelisah dan membela yang tertindas. Memberi semangat kepada yang muda. Selamat jalan... Tuhan tentu maha adil membalas semua kebaikan, sekecil apapun.
I'm not pessimistic--I have faith in the young. It is the young people who need to sweep in and become the leaders. They don't have blood on their hands or dirty money in their pockets.The people who say they want to become president can talk like that because of the triumph of the students, but do they ever say thank you to the students? No.
- Pram