Syahrani's Weblog Rani-Rina's Weblog
Thursday, February 03, 2005

Perjanjian Bunuh Diri via Blog

Setelah postingan kemarin membicarakan nyawa, maka kemarin ada seorang yang membuat perjanjian untuk bunuh diri dalam bentuk blog. Ini kemarin sempat diberitakan oleh theage (koran harian Melbourne) dan juga SMH (koran harian Sydney) yang kedua koran itu dimiliki oleh satu perusahaan yang bernama Fairfax Digital. Fairfax Digital ini adalah salah satu perusahaan media terbesar di Australia tetapi masih kalah dan dibawah News Limited yang dikomandoi oleh taipan media Internasional, Rupert Murdoch (yang juga punya News Corp).

Ini tak kutipkan disini aja biar gampang:
Blog Suicide Pact feared in teen death

Some 1000 mourners gathered in the northern French port of Calais on Tuesday for the funeral of a 15-year-old girl who, along with another teenager feared dead, had made a suicide pact published on the web in the form of a blog.

Several classmates paid last respects with white roses as the body of the teenager, identified only by her first name, Noemie, lay in a coffin in the city's church.

Noemie's body was found crumpled at the base of a seaside cliff near Calais last Wednesday. Her wrists had also been slashed.

Investigators later learned that Noemie's 14-year-old friend Clemence had written of taking her own life in a blog - short for web log, a sort of online diary - for months under the nickname "Angel of Sadness" and they believe the two planned their suicides together.

Clemence has not been seen since Noemie's suicide and police suspect the pair jumped off the cliff together but that Clemence's body was washed away.

Clothes and mobiles phones belonging to the two girls were found on the cliff's edge and Clemence left a handwritten suicide note for her ex-boyfriend.

Hmm ntah apa yang ada di benak mereka sampai mereka membuat perjanjian (pact) agar bunuh diri bersama. Andai saja mereka membaca tulisan "Nyawa Hidup dan Nyawa Kehidupan", tentu mereka sadar bahwa nyawa hidup itu tidak ada serepnya :p Padahal mereka masih muda, bahkan lebih muda dari Saya. Masa depan masih jauh harus diakhiri dengan tragis.

Saya jadi teringat ungkapan orang Indonesia umumnya yang biasa bilang begini, "Mas, aku belum mau mati lhoo mas.. aku belum kawin".. hehehe dasar orang Indonesia pikirannya emang aneh. Tapi entah orang yang bunuh diri itu udah kawin atau belum. Saya sih belum.. hehehe jadi setuju ama kalimat itu :p

Perlukah kita berbela sungkawa? Life is beautiful, man.. There is sad, happy, good, bad, love, hatred, and so much more. One thing you can't experience is dead. Because once you dead, then you can't be alive for a second time :(

Please don't try this at home or on the internet :p Just enjoy your life guys :)

Sometimes I wonder if suicides aren't in fact sad guardians of the meaning of life.
- Vaclav Havel (1936 Czech Playwright President)



"Syahrani's Weblog" is where I restore everything (writings, stories, religious, social, politics, current affairs, marketing, thoughts, sports, internet, essays, pictures or what so ever) that amazed me during time.

A 23 year-old, worker, family-man and a Post-Graduate MBA student. Living in Melbourne (Australia). Email: syahrani AT .



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